Negative Press - McArdle Reverses LPNH Position
"Honestly, a lot of the content didn’t belong on official LP accounts, and did very little to advance our message."
After a couple of years, the Libertarian Party finally found a way to get national international mainstream media.

They even lost the podcasters.
It should be noted that the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire appears to have caved under the pressure and deleted their tweet about the Holocaust.
This morning, Libertarian Party Chair, Angela McArdle released a series of tweets regarding the recent controversy over the New Hampshire affiliate’s tweets regarding the Holocaust and attacks on Meghan McCain for crying over her father’s casket.

This is a reversal of what McArdle said just days ago.

In January, McArdle promised to clean up bad messaging as Chair. Her position on how much control the national party should have over state affiliates is not clear.
Libertarian Party Vice Chair, Joshua Smith disagrees with McArdle (and yes this is his actual Twitter account).
The comments have not been favorable to McArdle:

Has McArdle upset the Mises Caucus enough that the are now turning on her or will state affiliates now start to fall in line behind LP National? What made her go from supporting the LPNH tweets to condemning them? Was it the negative press?
The LNC is at an inflection point. I imagine we will see very soon how they address their first major media crisis. So far, it hasn’t been consistent and shows a complete lack of leadership.