The Libertarian National Committee Funds Conservative Candidates-Part 2
How did the votes tally?

In a follow-up to our previous substack, Libertarian National Committee Spends 9K To Keep Conservatives on Ballot, we provide details on how the Libertarian National Committee members individually voted on these two Trump supporters.
The Candidates
Brittany Kosin, the candidate who supported legislation fully funding law enforcement and “protecting qualified immunity for law enforcement heroes” was given $5,000 in a non-ballot access race for the Pennsylvania State Legislature.
How did the Libertarian National Committee members individually vote:
Caroline Avery, the candidate who ran for U.S. Congress in Pennsylvania because the incumbent
"ignores the Trump agenda, ignores the Constitution, votes with the anti-American Democrat members, and basically (doesn't represent) anybody or anything but himself" in Congress.
"Trump’s message of 'America First,' 'Making America Great Again,' and most importantly, respecting the interests of the little guy, the common man, blue and white collar workers, small businessmen and women, really resonated," Avery wrote on her site. "Having been a long time employee and then a successful employer, a wife and a homeowner, Trump’s message really hit home.
was given $4,000 by the Libertarian Party in a non-ballot access race.
How did the Libertarian National Committee members individually vote:
Source: LNC Official List of Votes (Works best on Desktop)
Who Are the LNC Members Who Voted
The Executive Committee of the Libertarian National Committee voted to approve funding. The Executive Committee members are listed below:
Chair, Angela McArdle- McArdle abstained from voting, which is not uncommon for the chair of a committee.
Vice Chair, Josh (Couch Surfer Ballsagna) Smith - (Yes, that is his real Twitter account below) recently made the New York Sun for his comments that the 19th Amendment (women’s right to vote) should be repelled.
Smith wants to abolish voting altogether, which makes his years-long campaigns to serve on a committee designed for electoral politics rather odd. Smith has declared intent to run for public office three times but never made the ballot in any of the attempts. Internal conflicts, perhaps? Regardless, there’s no reason to take his vote or reasons for his vote seriously enough to ask why.

Treasurer, Todd Hagopian- Hagopian is a dedicated activist whom I have supported in the past and personally like. It’s very curious that Mr. Hagopian would be the sole vote against Avery receiving the campaign funds.
A couple of weeks after the vote, Hagopian offered the following thoughts on the LNC e-mail list for future candidate support motions:
That said, Hagopian still voted to fund non-ballot access races after sending this e-mail.
Secretary, Caryn Ann Harlos- It’s expected that Harlos would demand purity from the candidates supported as a former leader within the Radical Caucus. It’s uncharacteristic for her to be sympathetic to Republicans falling victim to rules the duopoly put in place.
Harlos questioned candidate support after voting in favor of the August 25th candidate support motions:
Like Hagopian, she voted to fund candidates in non-ballot access races after sending her e-mail.
At Large Representatives:
Rich Bowen - Bowen has voted Nay on funding other candidates, but on August 25th, voted in favor of all three candidates (including $15,000 for Larry Sharpe’s ballot-access race for New York Governor).
Steven Nekhaila - Current chair of the Florida Libertarian Party and served the last term on the LNC. (Updated to show that Nekhaila is current party chair not former)
Bryan Elliot - I must admit not knowing Bryan Elliot. A Bryan Elliot is on the ballot for Nevada State Treasurer this year as a Libertarian
So far, out of the $38,800 we added up that the LNC spent on direct candidate support, 23% of it went to funding Trump supporters to get on the ballot.