Libertarian National Committee Spends 9K To Keep Conservatives on Ballot
They didn't make it to the ballot but would Libertarians support their donations helping them?
This is the first part of a three-part series. Part two. Part three.
The Libertarian National Committee’s “August End-Of-Month Financial Reports” provides the following information:
Expense Analysis
Expenses were exactly where we would have expected them to be, except for an additional $15K in to assist in a Ballot Access court challenge in NY, and $9K in candidate support to assist two candidates who were challenging sore loser laws in PA. Overall, the staff continues to do a wonderful job controlling expenses, knowing that they cannot spend to the unattainable levels that were originally budgeted.
It is available on the FEC reports:
Kevin Gaughen reported the two Pennsylvania candidates lost their appeals in the state Supreme Court.
Where did your donations to the LNC go?
Neither race appears to be a ballot access race, and it seems odd that the LNC would throw that much money behind these when several ballot access candidates haven’t received a cent.
When curiosity got the better of me, I looked at these two candidates to see where they stood on the issues. Personally, I figured the complaints of them being MAGA Republicans infiltrating the ballot lines were probably a bit hyped. What I found shocked me.
Let’s start with Brittany Kosin, candidate for State Representative District 178. Her website on January 21, 2022, included some of the following issue statements.
Drafting/supporting Legislation That fully funds Law Enforcement & protects qualified immunity for our Law Enforcement Heroes.
Amending 61 Pa. Stat. and Cons. Stat. Ann. § 4304 to allow medication substitutes for lethal injection in the Commonwealth. My proposed medications would be Midazolam (to replace Sodium thiopental which is no longer manufactured in the US, thus making it unconstitutional) Pancuronium bromide and Potassium chloride.
Caroline Avery was the candidate for Congress who told Ballotpedia her three key messages were:
America First
Restore Law and Order
The Bucks County Courier Times reported when she announced her run:
Avery, according to her campaign website, is challenging Fitzpatrick because he "ignores the Trump agenda, ignores the Constitution, votes with the anti-American Democrat members, and basically (doesn't represent) anybody or anything but himself" in Congress.
"Trump’s message of 'America First,' 'Making America Great Again,' and most importantly, respecting the interests of the little guy, the common man, blue and white collar workers, small businessmen and women, really resonated," Avery wrote on her site. "Having been a long time employee and then a successful employer, a wife and a homeowner, Trump’s message really hit home.
Her website also included the following:
President Donald J. Trump promised to reawakened the American dream and and encouraged the American people to use their God-given intellect. At the time I was a registered independent-I changed my voter status to republican so I could vote in the primary.
My hopes were to correct the path that our country was headed down. Since then, I spent years of my own time and money to help our republic, from neighborhood watches to aiding person in vaccine exemptions and basic problem solving - In 2021 my peers and fellow Americans began to ask me to run for office - I turned them down for nearly 8 months,But watching our republic collapse in front of my eyes and even/especially our own beloved Pennsylvania and our district - I agreed and filed to primary my own parties congressman in district Pa 01. Keeping to my truest of American values I declined any single groups "endorsement" and was shunned by my local GOP, I wore/wear that as a badge of honor- Altho there are many fine persons in these groups and organizations, sadly a few have all the power and really do "spoil" the bunch- I Must add that I did most certainly meet some great Americans in nearly all these groups, and remain in contact with them, we share a common bond - We love our country.
That is a lot of Trump support for someone running as a Libertarian.
As it is today under the Biden administration, our country is absolutely being invaded every day via the southern border. Human trafficking is rampant, and Fentanyl, along with other dangerous drugs, are freely flowing into the USA from Mexico. Terrible human rights offenses are being committed literally every minute at the border by drug cartels and other bad actors. Violent criminals are being let into our country, then transported by the Biden regime to unsuspecting communities all across America. These drug and human traffickers are funded by unsavory actors. They are killing our young people and destroying their future and the future of our country.
I believe this is intentional and criminal of the Biden regime, that reversed everything that the Trump administration had done to give us the most secure borders we have ever had.
I believe we must support our men and women in uniform who want to keep the peace and protect and serve. When I am elected, I will stand with Law Enforcement. We need to make sure that officers have access to top of the line Vehicles and protective gear, Weapons and top of the line training facility's. Crime is at an all-time high. We need to be supportive of those who put themselves in harms way to protect those who can not protect themselves. No to federalizing police.
She concludes her issues page with the following statement:
Finding no true middle ground, A Pro 2nd amendment group suggested I look into the Libertarian party. After a vigorous vetting process I was nominated to be their candidate.
I am curious about just how vigorous this vetting process was. It doesn’t appear to even use Google or the Nolan Chart as a guide.
Their Vetting Process Allowed A Convicted Sex Offender to Win Nomination for Governor
Daryl Brooks, famous for the Rudy Giuliani Four Seasons Total Landscaping press conference and convicted sex offender, was nominated to be the Pennsylvania Libertarian nominee for Governor.
Brooks’ criminal history dates back to 1995 when he was accused of exposing himself to two young girls — one 7 and one 11. Though he maintains his innocence, Brooks was sentenced in 1998 and served a little more than three years in Riverfront State Prison on charges of sexual assault, lewdness, and endangering the welfare of a child, according to state records.
Brooks has claimed his innocence. He has previously been a candidate for the Green Party, Poor People’s Campaign, Libertarian Party, Reform Party, and the New Jersey Tea Party.
Here is a Facebook post from November 4, 2021.
Brooks, fortunately, didn’t meet the Pennsylvania residency requirements and had his nomination rescinded by the party.
A simple Google search should have prevented his nomination. Likewise, a simple Google search could have saved the LNC $9,000.
Did they do their research, or do they think these are the candidates the Libertarian Party should be running?

It seems to me the Libertarian National Committee blew $9,000 that could have helped ballot access races across the country and instead tried unsuccessfully to get conservatives on a ballot in Pennsylvania.
How hypocritical to complain about Bill Weld being a VP nominee when they nominate people who are more aligned with the Republican Party than either of them were.
Is it possible that the LNC gave money not in support of those specific candidates but in opposition to sore loser laws? There would still be plenty of room to criticize the races they focused on. They had to know the pro-Trump conservative message that would get out if these candidates remained on the ballot.
LNC Brags About Supporting Conservative Candidates
Meanwhile, the LNC is busy collecting donations for the “Candidate Support Fund.”

Does that money go to help libertarians or to put MAGA conservatives on the ballot? The video embedded in the tweet mentions both Pennsylvania candidates.
I think their own fundraising appeal shows precisely where your donations to the LNC will go: to fund conservative, Trump-aligned candidates.
Click here to read part two.